About Me:
My name is Bailey Henley and I am one of the Reading Interventionists at Jasper Elementary School.
I graduated from UTK with my Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education in 2004 and with my Master’s in Elementary Education in 2005. I taught 1st grade at Lockeland Design Center in Nashville from 2005-2010. Then I moved back home and taught Kindergarten, 1st grade, and was the Reading Interventionist at Richard Hardy Memorial School from 2010-2018. I have been at JES as a Reading Interventionist since 2018.
My husband, Walker Henley, and I have two adorable (energy-sucking) children. In my spare time I like to listen to music or catch a concert, start to Netflix and chill which usually ends up in a well deserved nap, read books, attempt artsy things, help my husband garden, and travel..in our pop up camper. All these hobbies are a bit difficult with kids so I usually just end up doing kid things.